Summer Perennials


A Place of My Own

What is it about a home and yard that makes it yours? Is it just a place to hang your hat or is it the one place where your deepest needs are met?


The two best types of Lamium are Lamium maculatum and the Lamium galeobdolon ‘Herman’s Pride’ Maculatum Lamium Maculatum The silvery leaves of Lamium maculatum form a light reflecting mat in a shady garden while easily overcoming the challenges of a...

clematis Jackmani

Clematis: A Favorite Spring-Blooming Vine

Clematis in bloom is spectacular. The gigantic dinner-plate-size blooms of deep velvety purple that bloom mid-summer are breathtaking. At the center of ‘Jackmanii’s’ flowers is a small flower with feathery spikes and fuzzy yellow centers that expand as...


Malva fastigiata – Mallow

Malva is one of the easiest, hardiest, and most versatile of summer-blooming flowers. Just add a variety of flowers, a picket fence, and an old-fashioned rocking chair and your cottage garden is complete.