A Place of My Own
What is it about a home and yard that makes it yours? Is it just a place to hang your hat or is it the one place where your deepest needs are met?
What is it about a home and yard that makes it yours? Is it just a place to hang your hat or is it the one place where your deepest needs are met?
Nedra and Donrey Secrist were featured in a recent news article detailing the successes of Secrist Gardens.
Gorgeous Hibiscus, a dramatic perennial with large flowers, were first discovered in the swamps and marshes of the southern part of United States. They grew wild and were known as “rose mallow.” They have evolved, with help from...
A common question asked by a gardener shopping for perennials is, “Do you have something that blooms all summer?” I find I have to curb a sassy retort of, “Only if you plant petunias and marigolds!” Long-blooming color...
Gardeners who grow perennials in climates where water is scarce and sunlight is plentiful often have one perplexing difficulty when they are designing their landscapes: What perennials will grow in hot, dry, drought-stressed areas of a yard such...