Above: Peony ‘Rubra Plena,’ an early-booming variety. Photo courtesy Walters Gardens Peonies with their long-lived, refined excellence are a royal tradition in every garden and wear this crown proudly. Peonies have been giving pleasure as far back as ancient botanic records go. Many Peony varieties are natives of Western North America which give them a preference to our climate, for they thrive in cooler climates where they will receive a long winter chill. The three most popular varieties, early blooming, mid-season blooming, and late-blooming Peonies are somewhat different but are still the beloved Peony. Take a quick look at these three varieties: Early-Blooming Peonies Paeonia officinalis, ‘Rubra Plena’ (pictured above)...
Peony – Paeonia: A Royal Addition to your Perennial Garden