Visit Secrist Gardens – Nedra and Donrey’s Personal Paradise

Garden Hours – Brigham City, Utah

Secrist Gardens Bear Lake Idaho
222 East 600 South
Brigham City, UT
The gardens at Brigham City open April 1 and are opeon every day except Sunday. This location closes for the season on Memorial Day weekend.
We open at 10:00 and close at 5:00.

Garden Hours – Bear Lake, Idaho

3987 East Shore Road
St. Charles, ID 83272
Secrist Gardens in Bear Lake opens May 1st, but will close in stormy weather. We are open from 10:00 to 5:00.
Please call ahead to make after-hours (or before-hours) appointments. Secrist Gardens Bear Lake closes Labor Day weekend. Look for the distinctive engraved rock standing among masses of plate-sized dahlias and other perennials.

Click Here to visit the Secrist Garden Website

About Secrist Gardens

Nedra and her husband Donrey Secrist own two unique “nurseries” in Utah and Idaho. Their flowers are not sold from a shop. They are sold from a garden! Pull up a wagon, and walk around the garden to choose your own pots with miniature versions of the perennials you see growing in the Secrist’s backyard gardens. The Secrists use their 8 decades of combined gardening experience to give you perennials grown the way they should be grown–not in a hothouse with carefully-managed climate conditions, but in real soil, in cold frames, out in the elements where Mother Nature makes them tough. This assures that they’ll already have a head start when transplanted to your own garden.

Secrist Gardens Perennial Beds
Imagine your own garden full of blooming perennials. That’s enough joy to last a lifetime!
secrist gardens perennial nursery
Pull up a wagon. This is a REAL “Yard Sale!”

Soils used in all of the potted perennials are comprised from virgin peat, supplemented with perlite for aeration. Peat moss is also added to assist with water retention. You won’t find any soil-less mix around here. These baby plants are grown naturally, in real soil, with a minimum of fertilizers. These plants have never been babied, so they know how to survive!

The Secrists carefully pot and germinate and then offer plants to gardeners in their second year of growth. This means that they have already been over-wintered in a cold winter climate in Brigham City, which helps give them a survival edge. We grow flowers that we are proud to send home with gardeners!

Our wintered perennials are ready to plant early so we open April 1st everyday but Sunday.

Because you are able to actually see how the plant grows and flowers, you’ll be able to make a better-informed decision about which plants are right for your yard, We guarantee 100% survival for the first year. Gardening and landscape design services are also available.

Secrist Gardens Perennial Nursery